Tuesday, September 23, 2008


;]Something that I have done that no one in this class has done is....have a crazy obsession over chris Brown which I kinda still do.

;]Smart, Luminous, Warm Hearted.

;]Soledad: Well my name has a meaning it means loneliness. I got this name after my grandma because my dad loves that name and he wanted to name me after his mom. Sometimes I think my name is really unique because hardly anybody has this name.

»-(¯`v´¯)-»15 goals

:Start on a diet
:Go skating with my friends all over downtown
:Decorate my room differently this year
:Go to the lake to relax
:Do homework everyday
:Get along with my brother
:Stay out of trouble
:Less Shopping
:Respect my parents
:Try to pass all my classes
:Go to a Chris Brown concert :]
:Read alot of books this year
:Stop eating alot of chocolate
:Go on a Road Trip
:Be more Organized

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Throughout life you will meet
one person who is unlike any other
you could talk to this person for hours
and never get bored, you can tell them things
and they wont judge you..this person is your
soulmate, your best friend...
dont ever let them go
Take A chance
because you never know
how Perfect something can
turn out to be =]